Tablature de Radiohead : Black star | ABC des tablatures


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Tablature de Radiohead : Black star

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Titre Type Vues Contributeur Diff.
(don't get any) big ideas Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
2+2=5 Crd+ 2 Webmaster ABC-TABS
4 minute warning Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
A reminder Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
A wolf at the door Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Airbag Tab 3 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Airbag (2) Crd 2 Niamort
Airbag (2) Crd 1 Distelf
All i need Crd 0 Kotediwa
Alligator in the new york sewers (fog) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Anyone can play guitar Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Backdrifts Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Banana co. Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Big boots (man-o-war) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Bishop's robes Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Bishop's robes (2) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Black star Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Blow out Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Bones Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Bones (2) BTab 0 Jejeapocal
Bulletproof... i wish i was Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Climbing up the walls Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Creep Crd 19 Jegmicka
Creep (2) Tab 4 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Creep (3) Crd 6 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Creep (acoustic) Tab 11 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Egyptian song (nothing to fear) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Electioneering Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Everything in its right place Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Everything in its right place (2) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Exit music (for a film) Crd+ 3 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Exit music (for a film) (2) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Faithless, the wonder boy Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Fake plastic trees Crd+ 6 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Fitter happier Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Follow me around Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Go to sleep Tab 2 Webmaster ABC-TABS
High & dry Crd+ 3 Webmaster ABC-TABS
House of cards Crd 2 Kotediwa
How can you be sure? Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
How do you? Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
How i made my millions Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
How to disappear completely and never be found Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Hunting bears Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I can't Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I might be wrong Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I might be wrong (2) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I promise Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I will Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
I will (2) Tab 0 Barsucor
I will (2) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Idioteque Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
In limbo Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
India rubber Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Inside my head (live) Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Jigsaws falling into place Crd+ 1 Coko1983
Just Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Karma police Crd+ 9 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Karma police (2) Crd 5 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Karma police (tab) Tab 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Keep the wolf from the door Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Kid a Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Killer cars (2) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Killer cars (acoustique) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Knives out Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Last flowers till the hospital Crd+ 0 Kotediwa
Let down Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Lewis (mistreated) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Life in a glass house Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Life in a glass house (2) Crd 0 Bdavabc
Lift Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Like spinning plates Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Lozenge of love Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Lucky Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Lull Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Lurgee Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Maquiladora Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Meeting in the aisle Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Million dollar question Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Molasses Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Morning bell Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Motion picture soundtrack Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
My iron lung Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
My iron lung (2) Crd+ 0 Nitro
National anthem Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Nice dream Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
No surprises Tab 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
No surprises (2) Crd+ 0 Nitro
No surprises (3) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
No surprises (4) Crd 2 Gogojungle
No surprises (5) Crd+ 6 Titiayaya
No surprises (acoustic - musicplanet2nite) Crd+ 0 Machin25
No surprises (guitare acoustique) Crd+ 1 Jeremie21
Nobody does it better (cover) Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Optimistic Tab 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Palo alto Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Paranoid android Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Paranoid android (2) Tab 1 User #214083
Paranoid android (3) BTab 1 Jejeapocal
Pearly Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Permanent daylight Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Planet telex Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Polyethylene (parts 1&2) Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Pop is dead Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Prove yourself Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Punchdrunk lovesick singalong Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Pyramid song Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Pyramid song (2) Crd 0 User #409217
Rain down Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Reckoner Tab 0 User #821308
Ripcord Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Sail to the moon (intro) Crd+ 0 User #7843
Sing a song for you Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Stop whispering Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Street spirit (fade out) Crd+ 4 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Street spirit (fade out) (2) Tab 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Street spririt (fade out) (3) Tab 0 Nitro
Stupid car Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Subterranean homesick alien Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Sulk Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Talk show host Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Talk show host (2) Crd+ 0 Flo_pou
The bends Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
The bends (2) Crd+ 0 Nitro
The Butcher Crd 0 Kotediwa
The tourist Tab 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
The trickster Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
There there Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Thinking about you Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
True love waits Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Vegetable Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Where i end and you begin Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Wolf at the door Crd+ 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Yes i am Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Yes i am (2) Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
You (3) Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
You and whose army Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
You never wash up after yourself Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
More Black star tabs at 911

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