Tablature de The Police : So lonely | ABC des tablatures


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Tablature de The Police : So lonely

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Découvrez 23 autres tablatures de The Police

Titre Type Vues Contributeur Diff.
Bed's too big without you (2) Crd 0 Oyyeh
Can't stand losing you Crd 2 Bladedancer
Can't stand losing you (2) Crd 1 Oyyeh
Don't stand so close to me Crd 2 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Every breath you take Crd 13 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Every breath you take (2) Tab 11 User #298240
Every breath you take (2) Tab 10 User #509037
Every breath you take (3) Crd+ 8 Smixx
Every breath you take (3) Crd 0 Jovie10
Every breath you take (5) Crd 19 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Everybreath you take Crd+ 3 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Invisible sun Crd 0 Pointer2002
Message in a bottle Tab 1 User #163055
Message in a bottle (2) Crd 3 Swsw30
Message in a bottle (2) Tab 0 Jouk_tarakanov
Message in a bottle (4) Crd 1 Jerome
Roxanne Crd 7 Aureliensalut
Roxanne Crd+ 6 Nathanguillaume
Roxanne (2) Tab 3 Djimini_cricket_972
Roxanne (2) Crd 5 Babass063
So lonely Crd 2 Webmaster ABC-TABS
The bed's too big without you Crd 0 Jouk_tarakanov
Walking on the moon Crd 2 Jouk_tarakanov
More So lonely tabs at 911

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